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Karol Hordziej

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Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in Kraków Cultural anthropology, Jagiellonian University in Kraków Photography, Institute for Creative Photography in Czech Opava.


Theory and criticism of photography. Scholarships: Goethe-Institut, Berlin, 2006. Exhibitions, workshops, author’s meetings: Participation in the exhibition Efekt czerwonych oczu (Red-eye effect) – at the moment in the Centre for Contemporary Art.

Activities outside Academy of Photography:

Art director of Miesiąc Fotografii w Krakowie (Photomonth in Kraków), a vice-president of Foundation for Visual Arts, a cofounder and curator of ZPAF i S-ka Gallery.

A few words from me (about myself/my hobbies):

Founder of the website dedicated to pinhole photography ( As an author he cooperates with, Imago and Bulletin of Photography. He leads a blog on the subject of current phenomena on the scene of photography (

Classes given at Academy of Photography:

Contemporary photography.

A short description of classes given at Academy of Photography:

Classes are given in a form of seminar on the subject of current phenomena in contemporary art as well as on the place of photography among other media.